Your Member Page
Once you have registered with, you have your very own Member Page where you can check on the status of auctions, your vacations, and additional account information.
To access your Member Page, click on the Members link which appears on the top of every page. Then enter your login information on the Login screen, and you'll be able to access this information:
- My Profile: This page lets you change your handle, your password, your email address, or mailing address information.
- My AuctionWatch: All auctions that you bid on will appear on your AuctionWatch page. In addition, any auctions you "bookmark" using the "Add to My AuctionWatch" button will appear on this page. You can use the AuctionWatch page to keep track of all bids you've placed, or just to track items of interest.
- My Vacations: Click here to view which auctions you've won and what the status of those auctions is.